BEST Commercial Kitchen Smoke Solution: Electrostatic Precipitator
1 Commercial Kitchen Smoke Problem
The problem of air quality has aroused widespread concern all over the world. People are blaming air pollution from car exhaust, truck smoke, refineries, and factories. However, commercial kitchen cooking smoke is a real culprit of air pollution. Cooking smoke contributes to air pollution is far beyond people’s perception. Commercial kitchen smoke has large amounts of oils and particulate matter. Below are some facts on commercial kitchen exhaust:

A medium restaurant can discharge over 260KG air pollutants in a year. Can you imagine 260KG air pollutants floating in the air? And there are countless restaurants all over the world.
- A study by the University of California found that commercial char broilers harm air quality more than 18-wheel transport trucks and factory smokestacks. Principal Development Engineer for the study, Bill Welch, said, “Emissions from commercial char broilers are a very significant uncontrolled source of particulate matter… more than twice the contribution by all of the heavy-duty diesel trucks.”
- Cooking smoke is the most obvious pollution from a commercial kitchen. Now everyone cares about air quality and health. Smoke pollution can cause compliments from neighbors.
- Commercial kitchen smoke particles are between 0.3 and 0.8 microns. Exceedingly small! The microscopic grease aerosols produced from kitchen exhaust air can drift and settle on and flow into buildings and houses nearby. A study by EPA USA shows that exhaust air from nearby restaurants can and will increase indoor air pollution.
- Cooking smoke also contributes to smog in many areas.
Therefore, more and more commercial kitchen exhaust air filtration systems are installed for restaurants:
-to meet local air pollution regulation
-to avoid complaints from neighbors
-for air quality and environment
-to reduce grease accumulation in air duct
-to protect exhaust fan from grease
2 Regulations on Commercial Kitchen Smoke Emission
CHINA: emission should be less than 2mg/m3; smoke filtration efficiency for large restaurants should be over 85%
SHANGHAI, CHINA: smoke filtration efficiency should be not less than 90%; emission should be less than 1 mg/m3.
SHENZHEN, CHINA: smoke filtration efficiency should be not less than 90%; emission should be less than 1 mg/m3
HONGKONG, CHINA: Smoke and odor from the cooking process are under control of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance. Restaurants owners and operators are requested to take pollution control measures to minimize the emission of air pollution. If any emission from a pollution process or activity is causing air pollution, the EPD may require the owner concerned to take remedial action to cut down or eliminate the emission
3 Efficient Solution to Commercial Kitchen Cooking Smoke
EPA China recommends electrostatic precipitator as a solution to commercial kitchen smoke.
EPD HK: Electrostatic precipitator is the most efficient kitchen smoke solution (single application).
EPA Australia: Electrostatic precipitators can be effective in removing oily aerosols from cooking fumes.
Fire Department in NYC suggests an electrostatic precipitator for commercial kitchen exhaust fume purification
4 Why Electrostatic Precipitator is Chosen to Remove Commercial Kitchen Cooking Smoke?
Electrostatic Precipitator is a device that can remove airborne particles with high-efficiency and low-pressure drop. It can filter particles of sizes from 0.01 microns to 100 microns, thus widely used filter particulates like dust, oil mist, and cooking fumes. A typical application is to purify cooking fume from commercial kitchens of restaurants, delis, company canteen, hospitals, schools, and sport & entertainment complexes. Electrostatic precipitator has lots of advantages in commercial kitchen exhaust air purification application. Typically, as:
- Highly effective at grease and smoke filtration from commercial kitchen
- Very low-pressure drop saves energy
- A washable filter saves costs.
5 Electrostatic Precipitator Working Principle
When kitchen smoke enters the electrostatic precipitator, the pollutant particles pass through the ionizer and be charged. The charged grease and smoke particles travel through the parallel plates of the collector cell and become trapped. Then you get clean air. Electrostatic precipitator has been worldwide widely used as a kitchen smoke solution.